Where Do I Start?

Below you will find a variety of actions that can be completed using Curriculog proposals. Indicate what you would like to do, and you will find helpful links and resources to assist in the process.

I would like to:

  • Departments may request a “batch” change if identical changes are needed for numerous courses

  • New courses, Core Curriculum courses in Areas A-E, or a course change that impacts any program outside the college are not eligible for this process. The following changes are eligible for the Expedited Process Workflow:

    Course Changes Eligible for the Expedited Process Workflow

    • Discontinuation of courses that do not affect programs outside of the college
    • Programs can submit courses for discontinuation as long as the impact report shows no programs use the course outside of the college.
    • Programs can submit batch proposals for course discontinuation as long as the impact report shows no programs use the course outside of the college.

    Course changes allowed:

    • Change to a Course Title. This is allowed only for minor changes that do not impact the course description or course content.
    • A Change in a Prefix. The prefix must already within use by a college, unless dept/units are being merged within a college and a new prefix is created.
    • Change to a Course Number. This change can only occur when a course number is being changed within the same 1000 level number band.
    • Change in the Course Description. Allowed for minor editorial changes only. These changes can be editorial changes such as rewriting for clarity; tightening course language without altering course content; or removing “dated language” that does not significantly alter the course.
    • A Change to the Course Grading Structure. Programs can modify a course from an A-F grading structure to S/U mode or from S/U mode to A-F grading structure.
    • A Change to the Course Credit Hour Ratio. This change can modify a course lecture or lab hours as long as the course’s total credit hours remain unchanged. Programs can submit Batch Proposals for course credit hour ratio changes that meet the criteria to go through the expedited process.
    • Cross-leveled proposals with one existing course. Cross-level proposals that include a graduate and undergraduate course will go to GPCC for review. If the undergraduate course is an existing course, it does not need to be re-reviewed by the UPCC.
  • The Expedited Process for programs includes programs, minors, and certificates. The following changes are eligible for the Expedited Process Workflow:

    Program Changes Eligible for the Expedited Process Workflow

    • Admission Requirements of a Program. Programs, minors, and certificates can request admission requirements be updated once a catalog year as long as that is the only change being requested.    Programs, minors, and certificates can request a change in admission policies if it is dictated by state standards, professional licensure requirements, or program accreditors.

    • Program Catalog Page Edits. Programs, minors, and certificates can request edits to the program catalog page to update any language that is intended to align with current KSU or SACSCOC policy, including the removal outdated language or non-compliant practices.
    • Program Electives. Programs, minors, and certificates may go through the expedited process to make additions or removal to a list of program electives. Programs, minors, and certificates can only do this if they currently have an approved list students can choose from. Programs, minors, and certificates that have lists with “or” options (paired courses) or if it changes the total credit hours of the program, certificate, or minor are not eligible for expedited review. The course(s) being added would have to be existing course(s) and be within the college.
  • The Dean will work with the Provost and President to identify new programs that fit the strategic direction of the institution. These programs will be provided the USG new program forms by the AVP of Curriculum.


