Academic Assessment Council 

The Academic Assessment Council supports a process of continual self-evaluation and improvement at Kennesaw State University. The primary purpose is to oversee ongoing assessment to improve educational programs and student-learning. It seeks to foster full participation in outcomes-based assessment.

The Academic Assessment Council serves in a variety of ways:

  • Monitors the quality of program assessment results, reports, and plans.
  • Serves as a cross-campus forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and advice on methods and practices of assessment.
  • Keeps units apprised of expectations for assessment, including expectations related to KSU’s regional accreditation.
  • Works with those who engage in assessment activities to help them understand and enhance their activities.
  • Promotes collaboration and optimization of the use of shared tools and resources among areas.

Academic Assessment Council Membership

University Assessment Council membership consists of the assessment team members and the associate deans for assessment from each college. The council also includes select members from other areas of the university, such as CETL.

