Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee

Click here for the GPCC Docket 
A university standing committee of the Faculty Senate, the GPCC evaluates new graduate program proposals and proposed changes to the graduate curriculum for consistency with university academic policies and goals.  The GPCC forwards to the Provost those proposals it recommends for approval.  This body recommends or reviews changes in graduate policies and procedures and directs its recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Provost/AVPAA.  As needed, the committee also makes recommendations regarding the graduate curriculum development and review process.


Click here for complete membership report. Any additions to this roster should be submitted using this form any requests to remove or edit this roster must be sent to

Schedule, Agenda, and Minutes

The dates for GPCC's meetings for AY 2024-25 can be found on our AY24-25 Curriculum Calendar!

GPCC Executive Committee meetings will occur on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (unless noted**).  Guest(s) invited to the meeting will be sent a link.

GPCC General Committee meetings will occur the on 4th Wednesday of the month from 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. (unless noted**).  GPCC General Committee meetings are open meetings to the KSU community.

Approval History

AY 2022 Curriculum Approval Summary

AY 2021 Curriculum Approval Summary





