Faculty Development Program

The Digital Learning Innovations team is hosting a virtual professional development program about uHoo Analytics during the Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters. The Program's purpose is to build faculty expertise in learning analytics within undergraduate courses that serve large student numbers. During the program, faculty participants will complete four online asynchronous modules and actively engage in four virtual professional learning community events. During the Fall 2024 semester faculty participants will share their summer uses of uHoo Analytics with all their departmental colleagues during a department meeting or similar event. Additionally, participants will attend a concluding program meeting in the spring semester. The virtual PLC events will be facilitated by faculty who participated in the uHoo Beta and Pilot groups in 2023 or a DLI team member.

Besides meeting the program objectives stated below, participation provides faculty and facilitators the following:  

  • opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to student success.
  • opportunity to contribute to an institutional student success research study.
  • ability to generate data for scholarship or scholarly activity in teaching and learning.
  • opportunity to serve as a leader and mentor to colleagues within your field in learning analytics applied to your discipline.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this learning experience, you should be able to use uHoo Analytics to:  

  • Access uHoo Learning Analytics dashboards via Power Bi.
  • Identify the purpose of the uHoo Analytics dashboards and the functions of the uHoo Analytics widgets on each dashboard.  
  • Manipulate the filters and slicers to display data appropriately and correctly in uHoo Analytics.
  • Define Learning Analytics and the four main types of data and how they can be used to evaluate course and student success.
  • Analyze the success of a formative assessment and a summative assessment using hypothetical data in uHoo Analytics.
  • Interpret and interrogate individual student data and draw appropriate conclusions about a course assessment and/or individual assessment items based on trends.
  • Create a remediation plan for a struggling student.
  • Propose revisions for an assessment based on available data trends.
  • Draft an evidentiary document demonstrating contributions to student success and continuous course improvement based on template data or individual course data.
  • Engage in a professional learning community to investigate possible best practices in use of learning analytics. 

I want to be a Faculty Participant 

  • Each participant will commit to: 

    • sign up to use uHoo Analytics.
    • use the D2L gradebook and announcements for all courses taught for the duration of the program.
    • use uHoo Analytics at least weekly for the duration of the program through the end of Spring 2025.
    • attend and actively participate in all scheduled virtual meetings.
    • complete four learning modules about learning analytics.
    • present your use of learning analytics to your departmental colleagues in fall 2024.
    • complete the uHoo survey and Research Study consent form (IRB-FY23-551). 
  • Friday, May, 3, 2024, at 11:59pm 

    • Faculty who complete all summer deliverables on schedule will receive $1500 in summer non-instructional pay. 
    • Applicants must be employed by KSU to teach undergraduate courses.
    • Participants are not required to be tenured or tenure track faculty. Non-tenure track limited term, and part-time faculty are encouraged to apply.
    • To qualify, applicants must be scheduled or expecting to teach for-credit courses all three semesters of the program at KSU in any modality or campus.  
    • Part-time instructors do not qualify if they are teaching more than 6-credit hours in Summer 2024, OR more than 9-credit hours in Fall 2024, OR more than 9-credit hours in Spring 2025. These hours include any joint appointments at other USG institutions.  
  • This opportunity is limited by the number of facilitators. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of faculty in DLI and DLAC using these criteria:  

    • Full- and part-time faculty who are scheduled or highly likely to teach a high-enrollment course in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and/or Spring 2025 are invited to apply.  
    • Applicants must indicate they can attend all scheduled virtual meetings.
    • Applicants must commit to using uHoo Analytics and D2L for all courses during the program.
    • If interest by qualified applicants exceeds program capacity; acceptance will be decided by the order in which the applications are received.  
  • First confirm your availability with the program schedule below. Then complete the application form by the deadline.
    Some questions will ask for information that will be an estimation on your part. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. 

I want to be a Facilitator

  • During the summer, participants will be grouped into professional learning communities (PLCs) of 8-10 faculty. Each PLC will be assigned a facilitator. Each of the four professional learning community (PLC) events will be facilitated by the faculty facilitator selected from the uHoo Beta and Pilot groups in 2023, or a DLI team member. Facilitators will be assigned up to 4 PLCs to facilitate. Facilitators will be provided guidance documents and a brief training to support the 90-minute professional learning community discussions. The four online PLC events will be full day commitments for the facilitators to facilitate for their assigned PLCs. Additionally, facilitators may be contacted by their PLC members for mentorship or redirection to uHoo support resources.  

  • Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 11:59pm 

    First confirm your availability with the program schedule below. Then complete this application to express your interest: https://forms.office.com/r/NTB0fdWNzs 

    • Faculty facilitators who lead all summer PLC sessions for up to 4 PLCs of 8-10 faculty as scheduled will receive $2500 in summer non-instructional pay (up to 4 Fridays of commitment—see schedule). 
    • Facilitators must complete any uHoo modules that remain incomplete on schedule with participants. 
    • Applicants must be employed by KSU as an instructor.
    • To qualify, applicants must have been an active member of the 2023 uHoo Beta or Pilot groups. 
    • Facilitators are not required to be tenured or tenure track faculty. Lecturers are encouraged to apply. 
    • Facilitators will be selected in the order in which qualified applications are received. 


Schedule of activities and deliverables 

  • Virtual Event
    Assignment Due
  • Kick-off Session
    May 17, 2024
  • PLC Session 1
    May 31, 2024
    Module 1 Complete 
  • PLC Session 2
    June 14, 2024
    Module 2 Complete
  • PLC Session 3
    June 28, 2024
    Module 3 Complete
  • PLC Session 4
    July 19, 2024
    Module 4 Complete
  • Check- In Session
    November 8, 2024
    Departmental Share Due
  • Concluding Meeting
    April 11, 2025
    Survey Complete 

If you have questions, please email uhoo@kennesaw.edu
