Drafts of Revised Assessment Report Template

The Office of Assessment is modifying the report template in order to provide more flexibility in the report, increase alignment with other strategic priorities, and encourage more “story telling” of the continuous improvement work already taking place.

Beginning with the AY 2021 report due this fall, program/assessment coordinators will write their report in MS Word and submit a PDF of the report to our Assessment Office using a simple report submission form. The details of this report submission form will be communicated in August 2021. It is important to note that program/assessment coordiantors will not need to learn how to use a new online system.

The template is very similar to the current Improve KSU online template, but in MS Word format.

  • Programs will report on 2 student learning outcomes, with the 3rd optional.
  • In line with KSU’s strategic priority related to student success, programs will select a student success outcome (either retention or graduation rate) to focus on for continuous improvement. 
    • As baseline data for undergraduate programs, Institutional Research will provide the First-Time Full-Time Retention and Graduation Report in August.
    • If data is not available for graduate and certificate programs, the student success outcome will be optional for those programs.
  • Programs with specialized accreditation will continue to submit their most recent self-study in lieu of using the template.

In order to provide additional flexibility, the template may be modified to meet your program’s needs as long as the pertinent information is included and easily identified. For instance, if your faculty team would like to write the report in the form of a study for future publication or conference presentation, you may do so.

Drafts of these templates in MS Word are available below for download and review. Our Assessment Office is requesting feedback on these templates. Details on how to provide feedback will be communicated in an email to department chairs and program/assessment coordinators.

The report template is intended to be a flexible document with embedded questions to guide purposeful reflection and discussion of both formative and summative assessment within your program. It is up to programs to make assessment meaningful and manageable by:

  • Focusing on outcomes most in need of improvement,
  • Using embedded assessments and a simple, organized data collection process,
  • Discussing assessment results and improvement strategies at faculty meetings,
  • Implementing targeted strategies to improve learning and your overall program, and
  • Reporting on the continuous improvement activities that are already taking place.

Use the questions within the template to guide your discussions of formative and summative assessment at faculty meetings. When creating the annual report, you may wish to share a summary of what is discussed at faculty meetings within the body of the report or in the Appendix.
